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Hauptschule Graduation and the desire to stay in Russia

Trips to Russia

2008/09. During the spring break and also during the summer break of the last year at Molitoris School, we traveled to Russia two more times. When I was with Masha at Dima's in Rostov, we met Lena's parents. Her father was a surgeon at the Rostov clinic and had an expensive car, with which we drove through Rostov to various restaurants, cafes, bowling alleys, or to his dacha. In Rostov, Dima bought me a suit, leather shoes, shirts, and perfume and gave me some of his ties that were too small for him to try out a new style of clothing. Alexander Fufaev with his father and sister in a café in Rostov-on-Don.

At the end of the last week in Russia, I indirectly learned during a casual conversation between me, Masha, Dima, Lena, and her mother that Lena was expecting a child. The news made me sad for some reason. My father noticed this and put his hand on my shoulder. That was the penultimate time I was so close to Dima, because a year later our last trip to Russia took place.

Before leaving, Dima gave me his favorite book, which had served him well in Uzbekistan. The red book, whose cover was covered with transparent tape and whose pages were already yellowed, bore the title: How to Win Friends and Influence People.

When we were back in Germany, I had long since gotten used to the country, but there was another problem: the relationship between Joachim and Mama was crumbling. There were constant arguments, mainly because of Mama's jealousy. I was always on Joachim's side, because he always kept a cool head. He was always good to us – so there was absolutely no reason not to like him. But even the reconciliations after every argument could not prevent the divorce in the end. Fortunately, the relationship between all of us remained good.

After the divorce, I moved with Masha, Laura, and my mother to another street, into a multi-family house. During this time, I started taking driving lessons in a neighboring village called Algermissen, three kilometers away. Since I didn't have a bicycle, I had to walk to the theory lessons in the evening, which I gladly did. During the walk along the field path, where I saw nothing but a sparsely traveled road and the fields, I could become endlessly creative. I didn't listen to music, and I left my phone, a Nokia with which I could only make calls and send text messages, at home.

On the way to Algermissen, once I reached the field path, my imagination bubbled up from within me. Suddenly, I was immersed in a new world. I imagined myself with superpowers. Two lightning bolts from the dark clouds in the sky struck into my open palms, which I held out in front of me as I walked. The wind blew through my hair. Suddenly, there was thunder, and goosebumps covered my entire body. In that moment, I felt like the ruler of the lightning, so powerful, as if I were a demigod who could destroy the whole world. The fantasy felt incredibly realistic. I could always reach this state of imagination when there were no people far and wide, and only I and nature were there.

Once I was so engrossed in my fantasy that I was almost run over at a pedestrian crossing near Algermissen. The sound of screeching tires snapped me out of my created fantasy world.

"Hey, are you crazy? Watch out!" shouted a man from the open window. With a pounding heart, I briefly stared at the man before turning away and continuing to walk.

After the theory part, I was able to take a few practical driving lessons; but eventually, my mother couldn't afford it anymore. Since then, I haven't visited a driving school and never completed my driver's license.

To be honest, I didn't really have a desire to get the expensive driver's license after that either. Even though having a car in our little town would have been desirable on some days. I just wanted to own a car to pimp it. As soon as I press the gas pedal, not only should the ears be deafened, but the air should also be perfumed with gasoline.

My secondary school certificate (PDF)

Secondary School Leaving Certificate

2009. After the summer vacation, I attended the tenth grade of Molitoris School to also obtain the secondary school leaving certificate. My biggest problems were my strange accent and my own lack of confidence in my German skills. I was afraid of using the wrong article or expressing myself grammatically incorrectly, which would result in my classmates laughing at me. That's why I mostly remained silent, even though I knew the answer to the teacher's question. This reluctance resulted in me not participating orally in class at all and getting poor oral grades. This school year went totally wrong, and I had no choice but to repeat the tenth grade if I wanted to achieve the secondary school leaving certificate.

Future Learning from my World of Warcraft Time: Adolescents play computer games all day because reality has nothing more interesting to offer and only causes trouble.

What I Learned from Squatting on the Toilet Seat: Squatting is the anatomically favorable position for emptying the bowels. It reduces the possibility of hemorrhoids and constipation. Also, it is more hygienic as you do not come directly into contact with the toilet. Additionally, it trains the body's flexibility. Therefore, I have been using the toilet correctly all my life.

Future Learning from my Time in Lühnde: If I want to generate brilliant ideas or immerse myself in a fantastic world without limits, I go into nature - free from people and technology - and take a long walk.

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