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Omega-3 as antifreeze. Rinse teeth with calcium. Read Richard David Precht at home.

October 15, 2024.

It's 1:06 AM. I dreamed about Matilda. In the dream, I sent her away and smoked with other people. These people were also upset about her. We eventually locked the doors; it was winter. Then we went to sleep. Suddenly, I hear a knock at the door and wake up from the nightmare.

It's 4:16 AM. I waited for the S3 in Harsum. But then I realized that I might encounter Matilda, who would be arriving by bus and taking the same train. So, I decided to take a Metronom train to Hanover, which, in reality, doesn't stop there, but in the dream, it does.

On the Metronom train to Hanover from Harsum, I saw a pretty woman with blonde hair out the window. I stood up from my seat, walked over to her, and spoke to her. However, she was not alone, as I initially assumed; she was with two men and a woman. She showed no interest and sat on the lap of an older man who had accompanied her. I then thought she must be taken. She asked me if I was part of the dance course, and I said, "Yes, I attended Contemporary Dance."

A man next to her, who was likely her friend, referred us to my diary. Then I found out that they weren't actually together. I asked what kind of relationship they were in.

Somehow, I then ended up at their home in the dream. Another woman who was with the three of them was cooking. I asked her if she needed help and offered to assist her. Otherwise, I would draw the object of my desire. I then started drawing the face of the woman I had spoken to on the train in the living room.

Then there was a scene in a room full of clothes hanging on racks. I went inside, but my brother-in-law Tobias stayed outside. I could no longer leave the room. Suddenly, strange people appeared, gathering at the entrance and staring at Tobias while I hid between the clothing racks. One of these odd people eventually discovered me and looked at me. I punched him. The people became aggressive and turned into zombies. I was able to defend myself reasonably well. Then Tobi came and helped me fight off the zombies, allowing me to escape from the room.

In a dream sequence, I climbed a tree in front of strangers and clawed at the trunk like an animal with my nails. I wanted to impress them: "Look at me, I’m a wild predator."

Outside, I encountered my object of desire again, the one I had spoken to on the train. We fought against zombies together. We both got into a car. I locked the doors, and she tried to drive away, but the car wouldn’t start. Eventually, we were captured by a leader of the zombies and pulled out of the car. I pushed one of the attackers away from my "love," allowing her to escape. A large vehicle chased after her, and I was taken away. However, I managed to break free and flee.

Later, I met up with other people who asked where my girlfriend was. We searched for her and secretly observed from around a corner as she was supposedly married to another man. But then I realized that it wasn’t her at all; it was a man disguised as a woman. He just wanted to deceive us so we would fall into a trap. Once I realized this, I ran into a house and found my girlfriend, who was held captive with another woman. However, she was being taken care of by a friendly woman. I took my girlfriend by the hand, and we ran away as fast as we could. In the end, we got married.

It's 8:00 AM, and I'm lying awake in bed. I could actually continue sleeping, but an interesting thought comes to mind. What if I could accelerate the remineralization of my teeth by specifically treating them with calcium? For that, I dissolved a calcium effervescent tablet in a tablespoon of water and used the solution to rinse my mouth for about five minutes. Right afterward, my teeth felt very rough, but after just two minutes, they were smooth again.

I listened to a podcast about omega-3 and learned that the body's production of EPA and DHA from omega-3 fatty acids is not functioning as well nowadays because we expose ourselves to cold too little. We always dress warmly and heat our homes, which leads the body to reduce its own synthesis. I wasn't aware that omega-3 had anything to do with cold resistance, although I recently had a similar experience when I still had a refrigerator. I placed olive oil and flaxseed oil inside: the olive oil became hard, while the flaxseed oil remained liquid.

A doctor reported in the podcast that from 5000 measurements per day, he still finds good self-production of EPA and DHA in about ten people. So it's not impossible to have good self-production nowadays, and I think that walking barefoot could contribute positively to that.

However, the cold season is clearly taking a toll on my skin. My beard is full of dandruff, and I also have flakes around my nose, along with a runny nose. This could also be due to the unhealthy foods I've eaten lately—or a combination of both. The back of my head, where I apply minoxidil, is slightly itchy.

Actually, I had plans with Julia today to go through the diary at her place and delete the things she doesn't want to make public. I wrote to her this morning that I would like to have dinner with my family and asked if it would be possible to hold our meeting either earlier, the next day, or at Espresso House. However, her reaction surprised me—and I can partially understand her. It was indeed unreliable of me to want to reschedule the appointment just the day before.

Although her reaction upset me, I remained calm and simply wrote to her that I can understand her response and that our appointment can go ahead as planned. Despite my dismay, I also see it as an opportunity to learn to stay balanced internally and not to run away immediately when communication gets difficult. After all, arguing is part of a healthy relationship, right?

For the future, however, I hope that disputes between Julia and me will be constructive and not accusatory.

I sat down in the sunny kitchen and ate a salad. It’s so nice to be here, as the sun shines through the window in the morning. Life Food

Today, I'm not following my typical habit of going to Espresso House; instead, I’m staying here in the kitchen, continuing to read Richard David Precht's book on love. This time, it’s about the differences between men and women:

  • In larger brains, there is no more intelligence than in smaller ones.
  • Identifying a person's behavior in the brain is just as difficult as writing down a computer and searching for a specific program among the many zeros and ones on the hard drive.
  • In the womb, all humans initially have a female sex. Only in the sixth week of pregnancy does the sex develop.
  • The amount of testosterone we produce is not solely biologically predetermined; it also heavily depends on our life circumstances.
  • The biggest hormonal difference between men and women is determined by testosterone.
  • “We are not born women; we are made that way.” - Simone de Beauvoir.
  • Boys may often be interested in technology, but that does not make technology nor boys male.
  • “Gender is not something you have, but something you do.” - Feminist Judith Butler.
  • Only our sex is predetermined, not our identity.
  • Indigenous people migrated from Asia to North America across the Bering Strait. 😮
  • As toddlers, we learn that we are boys or girls. Very early and unconsciously, we begin to identify with our gender.
  • The fact that many women in the Western world wear skirts while men rarely do is not biologically predetermined.
  • How male or female we perceive ourselves also depends on our inner convictions.
  • Until the 1960s in Germany, women with driver’s licenses were a rarity.
  • Self-confidence is important in nearly every intelligence test.

At 2:00 PM, I walked into town. Interestingly, wasps have been buzzing around me lately, as if I were a wasp nest—maybe it has something to do with my hairstyle, which resembles a wasp nest?

I was with Julia and deleted almost all the diaries about her. From today on, I won't write anything private about her anymore, as she wishes.

At the bus stop, some boys asked me why I was walking barefoot, whether it wasn’t “dishonorable,” and if I didn’t have money for shoes. I replied that I walk barefoot to stay connected with the Earth. The „brothers“ understood that.

On the bus, a woman from Moldova approached me and asked if I wasn’t cold. We started talking, and she touched my hands to check if they were cold.

On the way to the train station, some teenagers whistled at me and laughed. A feminist might say I don’t know how it feels to walk past sexist men as a woman—but I know exactly how it feels. 🤨 Just kidding. I don’t take these reactions as an attack and even laugh along with them.

When I arrived in Borsum, I ate plov and salad with my hands while sitting on the floor, just like the Uzbeks in my homeland do. Eating with hands like Asians

Shortly before 9 PM, I was very tired and lay down on the living room floor to sleep. Until tomorrow!

Today, I am grateful for:

  • Falling asleep quickly by 9:00 PM.
  • Not spending any money on coffee today.
  • Soaking up a lot of sunshine in the kitchen while reading.