Alexander Fufaev
My name is Alexander FufaeV and here I write about:

The diary of Alexander Fufaev

Hello, my name is Alexander Fufaev and you have landed in my intimate diary.

Alexander Fufaev (September 2023)

I use the diary for self-reflection and to document my life so that I can later understand how I have changed over time. I share my insights and changes with you so that you can do the same if you wish. But beware!The diary is very intimate. You will probably find it uncomfortable at one point or another to immerse yourself in my world.You might feel ashamed, aroused or have the most blatant realisation of your life.

I am a minimalist. Everything I own fits in a rucksack and on my shoulders. But I don't mind using beds, fridges and furniture. For me, it's all about not owning all this material baggage. As a minimalist, I've learnt an important lesson: it's not the possessions that enrich my life, but the people I meet.

I've finally been vegan since January 2024 (at least 95% of the time) and have been running regularly barefoot since May 2024. I also love breaking out of the hamster wheel to show society that a different, more sustainable, more peaceful and healthier life is possible. I am open and tolerant towards all people and I don't align myself with any political party. I like to learn from all people.

At the moment I'm most concerned with the question of what I will do if I don't find a flat in time for 1 August?I have to move out of my flat share.And I'm also wondering whether things could work out between me and Lena or whether she'll cancel our barefoot walk in the forest? Am I even suitable for a relationship? Could I love a single goddess without desiring other goddesses? Let's see what my destiny is. Cupid Fati.

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